MyGoodNamesAreTaken's avatar
That is a badass bad guy. I can't wait to read the story!
thedestoryerofworlds's avatar
Thanks so much. But if you read my last pic you might not like it. You see it has some groping in it and I will be putting a disclaimer saying it may not be the best story for women. It doesn't have too much of it but I'd hate for people to be offended by it.
MyGoodNamesAreTaken's avatar
I don't think it could offend me! You don't know what us women read... Suspicious... :D I really don't think I would mind it. (Also, my story and a few others I feel like never posting are pretty twisted too.)
thedestoryerofworlds's avatar
Oh okay. I just want to make sure because I don't want people to be upset.
MyGoodNamesAreTaken's avatar
That is very nice of you! :highfive: