Comment on Martian Oasis by Ludo38

Snazz84's avatar
I'm really struck by how much the tent structure resembles a bubble. It's very true to the kind of technology described in the books, and how I pictured it, where nano fibres and other advances, along with the low gravity mean that many structures would look quite flimsy and fragile by Earth standards.
Ludo38's avatar
Thank you very much for your comment dude !!
You know what, I almost wanted to add a polygonal grid texture layered on the tent, but I thought that the tent would look way more futuristic and advanced if I kept this bubble aspect !
We currently are able to draw grid-like tents over space on Earth, such as stadium, greenhouses, etc, but in the future, like 10 or 20 years, we will deal in a way more organic form with the cover of large space. And that is this type of super-natural sheltering material I tried to express here.