coooool123's avatar
well it seems like I just have no motivation for anything even though I have to do it. got any advice for that?
StephenMcCranie's avatar
I dunno, ha ha. Is the size of your projects intimidating you? Or are your projects just not fun?
coooool123's avatar
Oh they're fun!! ^^ and it's not the size that's bothering me, I just keep putting it off
StephenMcCranie's avatar
WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!! ha ha. You can do it!
coooool123's avatar
Cuz I'll say 'I need to do it' but I never do XD
AnimeMonkee's avatar
I've run into this problem numerous times with my writing. I love my stories and I want to finish them, but I keep putting it off to do other things.

What you can do is sit back, relax, maybe listen to some music, and plan out what you want to write or draw in your head. Imagine the characters and what they're doing and thinking. Just let your mind run wild until you get the urge to work on your project.

 If that doesn't work, lock yourself in a quiet room with your computer or notebook and just write/draw whatever comes to mind. It doesn't have to look pretty or even make sense. Just go crazy and have fun with it.

Also, it helps to know why you're putting it off. Most find themselves putting it off because they're scared. Some are afraid of failing or people bashing their work while others don't want to finish it becomes it means change. Like when I wrote fanfics as a kid I just wrote them for fun and even though they sucked I was writing like a madman. But when I started taking it seriously I kept hitting writer's block and a serious case of laziness. So ask yourself, "If I love it so much, why do I keep putting it off? What am I afraid of?" If you find out the reason it will be easier for you to cure it.
coooool123's avatar
I know! I always get the first burst of ambition and excitement when I get a new idea but then it just fizzles out later.

I tried that and it doesn't seem to work XD I've already got the plan but I just can never seem to start it.

And I can't do that either. I can't write or draw without an idea and then when I try I just end up giving up XD

I just have a hard time when it comes to starting something or continuing it later. Once I start drawing or writing I can usually keep going for a good while and even lose track of time!

I don't think I'm scared, not at all. I love posting my work, even when I'm not always comfortable with it. It's not that I'm afraid of anything, I just can't seem to get the motivation to start working. But once I get over that hump I can go for awhile! Maybe it's just that I don't get the excitement from other people that I expect. But then again, that's kinda selfish of me.
AnimeMonkee's avatar
Here's what I do when in your situation . . .

If I know what is going to happen in the story or I know what I want to draw but I lack the motivation I force myself to write/draw it. Otherwise I just stare blankly at the screen/paper. Sometimes it won't be fun, but you just have to keep your fingers/pencil moving. If you write/draw for a little while and you hate everything that's coming out or you get bored with it, delete it or put it aside and start again. With some stories I've had to re-write the first few sentences a few times before coming up with the right words and with my drawings I usually doodle the picture and keep re-drawing it until I'm happy with it.

Another thing you can try is to make it fun. I love the Batman Arkham games, so I took pictures of the villains and attached one to each chapter, so when I finish a chapter I put DEFEATED on their picture and when I complete the whole story I defeat the Joker. And if I miss a day I put YOU LOSE on the chapter. It's a silly way of writing but it works. I use my competitive side when I'm playing games to push me forward.
So what you can do is find something that you love doing for fun and incorporate it into your work.
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