fennecthefox15's avatar
...Really? That's... interesting... I hated Amy's (at first), still on the fence with Sonic, and I'm cool with Knuckles. Tails sounds decent too, but he wasn't in that cutscene.

Eggman didn't change. He's the only voice they didn't switch out. XD
darkfire191's avatar
I think Knuckles was better with his rougher voice and Sonic just doesn't sound right. I always liked Minnie Mouses voice though, so Amy Sounding like her doesn't bother me.
fennecthefox15's avatar
I can understand. I used to really dislike Sonic's voice when it first changed, but now, depending on the scene, he's actually not that bad. In my opinion. It sorta sounds like he hit puberty or something.
...He hit it kinda late (He's like sixteen now) but he sounds like he's grown up a bit. That's one reason I can accept it.
Knuckles I didn't hardly notice a difference, really. But now that I think about it, it DOES lack the gruffness it used to have.
But it's good to hear there is someone who likes this type of Amy voice. ^^
darkfire191's avatar
Ah, Yeah you're right. I guess I can accept that. Does shadow have a new voice yet? I hope he doesn't sound like a little kid or teenager now seeing as he's always sounded like an adult.
fennecthefox15's avatar
...He does...
It's... I don't even know... www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZKnD-… skip to about four minutes, that's the new voice from about three years ago. It's the only decent clip I can find of his voice.
I don't care for it, personally. At all.
darkfire191's avatar
Sorry I forgot this website existed.
fennecthefox15's avatar
It's okay, I do that with other sites  sometimes. XD