Comment on FUSION by hendocrinogeno

UltraTheHedgetoaster's avatar
Judging by Applejack's expression, she did not seem to know what exactly it was they were doing.
Which does beg the question - what exactly where they planning to do by turning into a giant apple-pie anyway? :iconpinkiepiechickenplz:

:iconpinkieisexcitedplz: "Step 1 - We do the fusion-dance!"
:iconajislisteningplz: "The what-now dance?"
:iconpinkieismindfckedplz: "Step 2 - We turn into a giant apple-pie! Then, step 3 will be to-"
:iconapplejackwaitwhatplz: "Wait, what?"
:iconpinkiestarryeyesplz: "...And that'll be Soarin's best birthday ever!"
:iconapplejackwhatplz: ". . ."
RealLifeFav1plz's avatar

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ApplePie fusion

dragino's avatar
Applepie confirmed for Smash Bros