MAD-54's avatar
You don't say. I check him out
Yamato012's avatar
No art of him yet im afraid. Looking for someone to draw him at the moment. 

Figuring out Saiyan hair is a pain in the ass.
MAD-54's avatar
Dude you have no idea how right you are
Yamato012's avatar
What may be even harder are Saiyan names. They gotta be punned off Vegetables and its a royal pain trying to get a decent sounding name.
MAD-54's avatar
I agree with you on that one. I mean before i could pick the right name for Nach which is punned from spinach, I had to go through a list of corny saiyan names like
Bruss= Brussel sprouts
Kabba= Cabbage
Cina= Cinnemon
Mota= Tomato
Pato= Potato
Corna= Corn etc. The list goes on and on.
Yamato012's avatar
Cinnemon is a vegetable? 
MAD-54's avatar
Yamato012's avatar
I think its a spice that comes from treebark.
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