almightyhat's avatar
... I feel like I'm reading Jaegerspeak.

Is this more-or-less accurate to Zefonith's pronunciation or is there some leeway for ease of reading?  Cos if I read aloud (not that I'm super-familiar with the International Phonetic Alphabet, but hey, context, and I was raised on "well, sound it out"), I'm picking up kind of an accent.
WaywardInsecticon's avatar
It's just straight running it through a IPA translation site rather than using Zefonith's accent, because trying to actually work everyone's accents in would kill me.  It's going to be trouble enough when I have to sort out stuff not in the translation site's dictionary, like with people's names.  Especially since my own accent leaves me looking at some of the vowel differences and going, "But those aren't different sounds!"

( I'm not hugely familiar with it, either.  I have a cheatsheet. ¬_¬ )