Cronossra's avatar
So going off the cloths they don't have on..this means they are freaking kick ass fighter chicks :)
Renee-Niels's avatar
I know they say that the armor in the show is supposed to be empowering to women, but how is 'accepting' the male gaze any better than standing up against it? If a woman wants to dress in revealing clothes, more power to her~ And the same for modest clothing, but give the girl a choice! :\
Cronossra's avatar
clam down.
Its a joke.

Ever heard of the thing of gaming or anime?
less you have on some times the more powerful they are. 
So while i don't mind you taking a swipe at my comment or defending why they are wearing what they are wearing..
Remember sometimes take the commits light hearted commits no malice intended.
Renee-Niels's avatar
Well, excuse me for being a feminist and wanting women to be respected as human beings.

YES I'm aware that the characters are just that: characters. I'm sure that there's supposed to be more of a reason for the armor to be so revealing than just 'a durrr hurrr hurrr tittiezzzzzzz,' but let's face it, male gaze is objectifying.

Like I said, I'm not against a character wearing skimpy clothes. If she's seductive or flirtatious, then more power to her! Show off that body, girl! But don't just have your character wear next to nothing just because she can...
Cronossra's avatar
you're Excused.
Ask you're self this when you walk outside i bet you will objectify/ judge others with out even knowing you're doing it.

Also sometimes refrain/or take a moment to think before you act/type or comment on someone else opinion.

"Remember sometimes take the commits light hearted commits no malice intended."

Also there's this thing where you're defending you're Opinion/point of view being you're stating you're a feminist and i am just commenting on the fact of how in "Anime" If a women is wearing less they are more the often "more powerful" fighters or kick ass women.
Renee-Niels's avatar
I do take a moment to think and act. That's why I prefer to debate online: you have to read what you're saying and make sure it's reasonable before you send anything.
Cronossra's avatar
You just don't know when to stop. Or even really understand someone else comments.