Omar-Atef's avatar
I think it's too early to say! We'll have to wait and see how his final model looks in the next expansion, I think they'll be playing on the nostalgia so we might see'm! ^^
Morec0's avatar
I'm hoping we will, along with a host of other characters (Grom, Zul'jin, Gho'gal, Gul'Dan, Tyrion, Lothar, Turalyon, and more! SO MANY MORE!!!)
Morec0's avatar
Oh! Add Gorefiend to that list! Old-School DKs FTW!!!!
Omar-Atef's avatar
Agreed! Hope they add some War of the Ancients characters as well! But I think they'll run out of new hero ideas before they reach those considering the have 3 major franchises to cover.
Morec0's avatar
Vashj would be a GREAT character to see! If only for all the Dota noobs QQing about how they "copied Medusa!" XD
Omar-Atef's avatar
LOL! People are already complaining about stitches! Can't wait to see their reactions when Kael gets added as well xD
Morec0's avatar
It'll be beautiful.