Comment on Extra P.18 by Enock

Roger64's avatar
Okay after all this time have to ask...Is Naruto still pantless during this important talk?
Enock's avatar
Yes, yes, she is.
Roger64's avatar
She? I dunno. Naruto is hell bent on getting 'little Naruto' back so I've always called Naruto, even stuck in this female form, 'he' since that's what they want to go back to.
Now...if Naruto decided they liked it more or sort of completely accepted it I'd go with 'she.' I dunno, just me though, you're the creator.
Enock's avatar
Trust me, I had it at “he” for so long until my fans keep correcting me with “she”. I got sick of it, and I thought I play safe to say “she”. But Yes, you are the first to correcting me back to he. You are right though, he always seen himself as a guy. I’ve seen him like that as well. 😊
Roger64's avatar
Oh okay. Sorry, didn't know others were giving you a headache. I mean yeah...right now biologically that is a 'she' but since Naruto started as a guy and really wants to go back to a guy. Funny, no one corrected me and I always referred to female Naruto as 'he' a whole bunch of times. I am grateful no one noticed.
Enock's avatar
Don't be sorry. I'm very happy to hear it. I think because time has change and people are worried about saying the right pronouns of their sex. That's what I think is happening now....don't pin me to it. This was a long ago, when Naruto Period was still young. *tearful* If it isn't happening to you, then I can safely do the same again. ^-^