gamera1985's avatar
nah, she is an hemi-corp ^_^ but she had a metal structure added so she can support herself without bucket

you like her? ^_^
LWGArtist's avatar
Yes but what of urinary and colostomy?
gamera1985's avatar
she got holes, but better than usual stuff: she could have muscles put around them, and with a bit of trining, she can now control how to contract them when necessary ^^
LWGArtist's avatar
With a spinal fusion and paralysis an involuntary urinal and intestinal control would result, there would be a need for a colostomy and urinal bag hidden at best by a belt system. Just food for thought not a criticism.
gamera1985's avatar
i know i know ^^;

i'm just trying to have her more...humm...independant ;p
LWGArtist's avatar
An independent hemicorporectomy would be special indeed.