OmegaDez's avatar
Omar... I never understood why you can be so humble... Why would people (most of whom are already fans of yours) dislike 5C? Or at least say bad stuff about it?

Why do you think it's not for everyone? Because it's not about superheroes?

Heh. Even I feel more confident about my own comic even though it's nowhere near 5C in any way... :)
Omar-Dogan's avatar
The pace is slow in spots and the story demands you pay attention and read into all the points. I engineered it so you can read into the symbolism in panel and placements of things etc, which make it an intense read of more than the  text. But I think I see that since i wrote it, but most people will onlyt catch those things after reading it a few times.

I think that makes me feel that most of my fans who know me for SF stuff will find it a huge departure from face bashing and characters with anger management issues.
OmegaDez's avatar

I guess I'm a different kind of fan since I've been into your stuff since the late 90s.
And even though I'm a big SF fan, and I mostly got reacquainted with your stuff through your wonderful Sakura comic. (being a huge Sakura fan and all), I always prefered to see you draw your own stuff since you obviously have so much more passion doing it.

(just like it's obvious you prefer Ibuki to Sakura (*sobs*) just from looking at your art of them both)

At any rate, I think you're good enough at what you do to be known as Omar Dogan the artist, and not as Omar Dogan, the guy who works for Udon.

Also, I totally get what you mean with the symbolism and panel detail. I try to throw some random visual cues in the background of my own comic, but most readers read the text, and pay little attention to the actual art, much less the details in it. :(
Omar-Dogan's avatar
Those extra things within the story are more for ourselves and  also a gauge as to how serious are fans are or aren't, heh.

Ibuki has more dimension than Sakura. Though having said that, I feel almost all the stuff I've worked is calculated for a market playing off of likeable archetypes.

If I got a chance, i would really write a very emotional / internal Ibuki story about her coming to grips being a killer and school girl. Like a story about her first kill and how it felt. I mean that is a real story, not the pablem that is out there just explaining is more detail whats already outlined in the game story.

There's no consequence or room to move working on those books, therefor no real love if i claim to be a creative person. For those books, the love is of the technique, accolade, and what i perceive the character to be. The real fun would be to do soemthing with them with no care for the outcome in relation to the game.

I want to make an example of that and show it's way more interesting. take the busniness minded people out of the equation and you will get creativity. I have a huge respect for fanfic done well.