klausiboy's avatar
will you keep making TPP comics? Your comics are so awesome, and they even have their own take on the storyline. I feel like it won't really be the same in third gen games, since there isn't any connections to the previous generations, but i bet that you could find a way to make it work! I look forward to seeing your comics continued :D
AlexisRoyce's avatar
Thanks, but I already have three webcomics of my own to work on, and they need my attention. I really appreciate hearing how much you enjoyed the TPP comics, though. ^_^
klausiboy's avatar
Don't worry, even if you have other webcomics that take your attention, you could still just work on these when you feel like it. I think that quality appears when you do something because you want to do it, instead of being forced to do it, so keeping this as something you do only when you want to, could be good for the project
AlexisRoyce's avatar
Agreed. I don't want to draw any more if I don't have a good idea.