MorningMelon's avatar
Fair enough that you personally don't find it arousing, but what I'm saying is that, in general, finding disturbing things arousing or believing they were intended to arouse (which is what erotic means) is sick, and I'm entitled to that opinion.
BL1ND-CUPC4K3's avatar
are you really sitting here saying that people are sick for finding certain things arousing?
just because someone finds something arousing that YOU DON'T FIND AROUSING, or that you DISAPPROVE OF, does NOT MAKE THEM A SICK PERSON.
calling people sick isn't the good way to express an opinion. you can think people are sick disgusting humans all you want, but you can be fine with saying, "i personally find that a little strange, but that's just my opinion."
you're entitled to THAT opinion, yes. but when you jump around being rude, people are going to be rude right back. 
what if i told you fictional rape is erotic to me? because it is. and that's not something i go around shouting to the rooftops, but yes, it's not a normal thing. but it doesn't make me any less human. 

here let me just pull something out of my ass, (aka, an impersonation of how you're acting right now)

"If you're straight, that's sick. If muscles arouse you, you're sick. If you're attracted to Italians, then you're a sick person. If you think human beings are cute, then you're sick."

but what you're doing is pretty much hating people for no reason. saying that because they find it disturbing AND arousing, it's sick.
i have a blood fetish, i'm attracted to sadistic people, and i find some of the most disturbing things arousing. i must be the SICKEST PERSON ALIVE, huh?

seriously, it's like me saying you're sick for being from brazil. just stop. 
TheDivineMissM-94's avatar
Okay, but what exactly about this picture is disturbing? So far we've all agreed it is, but there's actually nothing disturbing about it aside from the smidge of blood on the woman's wrist (which most people actually didn't see, I know I didn't until I saw it mentioned in a comment) and the overall atmosphere which gives off an apparently 'disturbing' energy to some people, not all, others have said it's mysterious and lovely to them, I saw another person say it was erotic too. I mean sure if it were depicting a child or a corpse go at it and call them sick, but there's nothing actually morally wrong in this photo. I've come back to look at this photo and after stripping away the sense I had initially from nothing but the colour palette and a few other things, I found it soft and charming. Which is odd in and of itself isn't it? To be able to see the same image in two clearly different ways.
And yes, of course you're entitled to your opinion, I wasn't at all insinuating you weren't, I was more curious as to why you had that particular thought about it (:
MorningMelon's avatar
Dude, I'm done with this discussion, but I think it's rather strange to discard the impressions you got from certain elements, I mean, why discard those elements if they're part of the picture?
TheDivineMissM-94's avatar
Okay, if you were over the discussion I don't see why you'd reply but fair enough.

I discarded those impressions because I'm aware that not everyone sees things the same way, and that people can see the same thing in more than one way. Sure maybe that person thought it looked disturbing after you pointed it out to them, but perhaps they didn't think it initially by themselves.