oobidoobi's avatar

She's Naruto's aunt. Which makes them some sortve cousin- only visits a couple times a year... I think.
Larsinik's avatar
.... so? that didnt stop his sisters from having a brother complex... whats gonna stop samus from falling for jaune?
oobidoobi's avatar
Same reason she ain't going for Naruto- who she visits more.

She's badass, and has (some) respectable games. Also, I think I drew her and MC sorta together... Kinda?

I like keeping things in line, aside from request/commissions. Continuity for my silly bullcrap, n all that.
Larsinik's avatar
ah... alright... good to know jaune's powers of seduction doesn't work one every woman he meets. XD and wich MC? mc from halo or MC from monty's haloid... I prefer haloid... bu meh. this is probably my last reply. cause I need to get some rest. night... oobidoobi?... um... doobi?... bid?.... oobid... yeah. oobid. night oobid.