feldrand's avatar
yes, that maybe true - but this afternoon the name came to my mind - johannes gruetzke... i saw some of his original paintings in a big post WWII exhibition in berlin in the 80s... i must admit i didn't like too much of the works in that exhibition but i remember that i was quite impressed by grützke's works - they were big and sort of distorted realistic...
in the net i found only one example of the style i told you about - "die befreiung der frau durch die frau" not exactly what i would like to have showed you... ahm, sort of "the liberation of the woman through the woman"(?) well, it's the same woman taking off the string which bind her hands and finally showing it to the viewer...
johannes-gruetzke-vor-dem-bild-die-befreiung-der-frau-durch-die-frau-1998.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 489 × 425 Pixel)
well, i hope this link works...

btw. just today when i was underway in the city i took an interesting snapshot of a shop window - at the moment i'm not so much into editing photos, but maybe i find the time to work on this one - if so i'll show you...
thanx for answering, have a nice day... :D