Koirvon's avatar
Can imagine a daft scene where Laharl and a country-sized Etna get attacked by a million demons, Etna just takes a nap, ignoring all of Laharl's cries for help, and only when hes on 1HP, and the demons are weakened, does she wake up, smush the armies under her finger, and claim all the EXP/HL/Mana for herself, cue Laharl yelling at her, only to be toyed with again.

Or she could always, you know, claim Overlord title for herself?
NeoDarki's avatar
At such a size, the title of Overlord wouldn't mean much to her~ I think the title of Beauty Galactic Queen Tyrant would suit her more at that point. Defeating someone like Baal would be a simple task to her~