Hydrothrax's avatar
What I always found interesting was that the Panzer IV was designed as a support tank to the Panzer III but it ended up being the other way around becasue of the armament issue I mentioned - funny how that works! And yup, in general early WWII tank designs tended to be anti-infantry in terms of intended function. When armor vs armor became more prevalent, that's when they had to up-gun - you can see this on all fronts. 

Panzer IV Tiger came later, what I love is the story behind the 88 gun - Rommel was getting overrun during the Afrika campaign and quick thiking was needed, that's where he figured out that pointing the 88mm AA cannons forwards and using them as anti-tank wepons was incredibly effective - hence why the same gun was used on Tiger. :D

WoT haha! I've played since closed Beta but I've been at tier 4 for years, I just don't have the time to game - it's fun, but a little too arcade-like in a way, I love how they use a lot of the experimental "what-if" tank designs, becasue why not! :'D