faQy's avatar
thanks :) 
(there´s czech song where´s line "hold me so tightly like trees with roots are holding earth" i wanted picture it here little bit :) )
darachusi's avatar
that actually sounds sweet, i like that :) if it's ok, mayb u could link me the song? :D i've never heard a czech song, maybe it'll grow on me, haha

now i'm just trying not to think about roots in a biological way, they grab soil to drain minerals and water, the relationship sounds a lot more lopsided from that perspective lollol. but then if we think that plants shed leaves and die and those plant matter goes back to the soil to replenish what they had sucked from the soil in the first place, then it can be viewed as a cycle of give and take, and that's not so bad; philosophical, even..!
faQy's avatar
eh...it song about guy who is afraid of death and so he´s talking with her(in czech´s death she) and trying to persuade her to leave him be  www.youtube.com/watch?v=cN-Byv… ;-)

:D ....i didn´t think so deep about that..i just liked that phrase :blushes:
darachusi's avatar
o.o the song's so jaunty! i was expecting a sad song, i dunno why, hahaha