May-May-Meow's avatar
Third best for me ;)
Berseria is just mind blowing and I love that like in Abyss they tackle big modern society issues in a very subtle way :3
The antagonists again have depth and backgrounds (again like in Abyss!) but I like the characters better than in Abyss :3 they were much riskier (and villainous XD )
BokuNoPikohan's avatar
Lol, what is the second? As far as Berseria goes, it isn't even out in the US; did you play it in Japanese o_O
May-May-Meow's avatar
Xillia 2 :3

someone translated the first third of the game (subs) but yeah I watched a Japanese LP. You can deduct so much from gestures, reactions and tone of the voice - it's amazing XD 
BokuNoPikohan's avatar
Well, I have it pre-ordered on Steam. It didn't seem like there were any pre-order bonuses though, which was a bit odd - I feel like all Tales games up until now have had something. Dunno how much time I'll actually have to play around release, but definitely looking forward to it... eventually!
May-May-Meow's avatar
I preordered too, PS4 though XD 
not sure if the bonuses are perhaps system specific or area specific *shrugs* but I don't think I'm having any either 0-0

i took time off work to play upon release :3