Gecko-Comics's avatar
It's there if you're interested :D it's a pretty fast read. It would probably only take a couple hours to get through. that's my guess anyway; everyone reads comics at different paces
Coollightningninja's avatar
By the way, what are Nuzlocke comics?
Gecko-Comics's avatar
They are comics based on Nuzlocke challenges that people have done.

A Nuzlocke challenge is when you play through one of the Pokemon games with these rules:

1. You can only capture the first Pokemon you encounter on each route.
2. If a Pokemon faints, it's dead. You must release it.

Some people add other rules to make it even more challenging, but the point is to use Pokemon you wouldn't otherwise choose and to become more attached to your team. It's a lot of fun, and tons of people make comics about their play through the game.
Coollightningninja's avatar
I think you're doing a good job at it ^^ It's kinda makes Pokemon more like real life with deaths and esc. (Chips's death was really sad and unexpected D;).
Gecko-Comics's avatar
yeah, i really love Nuzlocke comics. you can do a lot of cool things with them and they're definitely emotional.

thanks :D
Coollightningninja's avatar
Is this your first one? It's sooo good!
Gecko-Comics's avatar
yes it is, and thank you!