Comment on Vaporeon by PirateKay

DShain's avatar
This is amazing!!

If this offer is still on the table.. as soon as I am able to make a little extra money, I'd so want to commission you to make one of Keshimora!
PirateKay's avatar
Sorry for the VERY late reply to this... like very sorry. :D;

If you are still interested in this I could do this, however the price I came up with would be around $175, since the fabric would cost more because Keshi has longer fur in some spots.

IF this is okay with you, I would have to have the cost for the fabric upfront. It would take me a while to make since they are so large. This Vaporeon can be like a scarf for me. (But this is because her tail is long too.)

I am unsure of how much the shipping would be so, would have to add this to the price as well. :)

Again sorry for the long wait. 
DShain's avatar
No problem at all! Thank you for the estimate. :)
I'll keep this in mind for when I have a little extra cash on me! I'll be in touch. :)