GJTProductions's avatar
One has to wonder if Weird Al will embrace the fandom the same way John DeLancie does...

(At the very least, there should be another Cheese Sandwich episode somewhere down the road!)
NurdHorse's avatar
i absolutely agree that would be freaking aweome

! Sadly, I think Al is super busy with other stuff so it's unlikely he'd be able to come back and voice Cheese any time soon. ;-;\

Actually, if i recall correctly.. heard someone ask him on twitter or something if he'd come back and he said 
that he'd love too but apparently Cheese isn't needed any time soon ;-;
at least he makes back ground cameos thats pretty grate XD (also i wouldn't be surprised if weird al was a brony)

and I shouldn't be surprised that he also was a VA on TrainsFormers but yet... HERE I AM LOL
im looking at his Imbd or whatever its called and he's in A LOT of stuff XXDD 
god VA must be his second career or something its ridiculous XD
TheSkyTheKid2's avatar
He said if they wanted him to do another episode, he would :D