kopfstoff's avatar
haha, me too! well the (original) intro is still pure awesomeness,
beside the theme which - as many of that era - is still
a nobrainer to bounce ones head to, the artwork/animation
is top-notch... timeless! but the plots/storys... argh. i mean,
they serve the purpose i guess, as a kid you didn't need more,
but a few years later... ;)

they did a reboot of the animated series, if you haven't heard...
they actually REMADE the intro. and it's worse. no kidding! so sad,
imho. *sigh*

compare for yourself if you like ->

new one (HD):

badass orginal (720p):

we had good cartoons, matt. good ol' times. :D
MattDeMino's avatar
I actually did see the premier of the first new episode, and I was pretty underwhelmed by it. That new one is crappy and so was the show. It's bad and they should feel bad!
we really did! They were awesome!
kopfstoff's avatar
well, good thing then, that i only know the new intro version
of the remake. i am still waiting for a blu ray release for germany.
normally i watch stuff in its original sound (mostly english, if not
then subtitled), but for the old classics i need the german dub's -
want that flashback into the past! ;)