ThePancakey's avatar
Dude...Chameleons are my favorite animals. And thinking about them as dragons? Oh man, that's so badass!
KelpGull's avatar
Yeah we just got some as pets a month and a half ago. They are very awesome :D
ThePancakey's avatar
Really? I've researched them because I'm interested in them.
They're apparently very expensive and hard to take care of, 
as well as shy and solitary animals...And you can't feed them whole crickets because they'll choke and die.
Stuff like that. Tell me, what's going on with yours? Oooo.
KelpGull's avatar
We have two veiled chameleons. Veiled chameleons are very territorial, and can't be kept within sight of one another. We paid 70$ for each at Petsmart. They need to be kept at a certain temperature and humidity. They can eat whole crickets just fine, but it's not a good idea to try to feed them anything that's wider than the chameleon's head. Veiled chameleons also like eating leaves and fruit. It's not good to try to pick them up forcibly, as they are very easily stressed out and high levels of stress can be fatal to them, but you can let them climb on you if they want to. Ours climb on us all of the time. They are very neat lizards :)
ThePancakey's avatar
That's so incredible...I really do adore veiled chameleons--I'm assuming they're the most popular?
I don't see many horned chameleons or anything as pets. I've got to get some when I'm an adult.
They're fascinating and beautiful.
KelpGull's avatar
They're the most popular because they are the easiest to take care of, and they have large and stable captive populations. A lot of people get Jackson's chameleons as pets too, and they do have the crazy horns on their faces ;P
They take a lot of time and attention, but they are definitely awesome.
ThePancakey's avatar
No kidding! They're my favorite animal for a reason.
I guess I really do have to get one when I'm older. :giggle: