Stephvanrijn's avatar
Before judging someone, please try to know them first. "Fame has gone to your head"? I'm not even famous...Also, this being my job and my main occupation in life (acting, writing and modelling is now my actual job) of course I am trying to manage my career the best I can and of course I will keep people informed of what I do, sharing my work is the reason why I have these pages. Always asking for money?  Well yes I am trying to raise money to help homeless individuals and women victims of abuse with a foundation I am building and a feature film I am making on my own to raise awareness for all this. Independent movies are extremely hard to make AND finance and people like me who were born without a family to help or without any money themselves often turn to crowd funding to make films, which is what I did, and so far I managed to make movies which is what I always wanted to do in life and was my goal since I was 4 years old. On this, I am not lying about the photoshop, the line on my belly is my belly, still have some fat on it and it makes a crease when I bend like that. I'm not explaining myself on this anymore, I don't think its even worth my time or yours. From what I see in you message is that you know me so little and apparently have no idea whatsoever of who I am and of what I do. If you had taken the time to actually read these "complaints", I am actually talking about the fact that I am well aware people cant please everyone and I am merely trying to raise awareness against cyber bullying which, I think is a plague. I know how to make the difference between a troll and someone who simply doesn't like something. On this, I will tell you again, before judging someone so openly and bluntly please try to know them first. You can actually watch my next annoying movie Im making by annoyingly asking for money, its actually made to raise awareness about that. I pretty sure you won't but thats ok, Im only "annoying" ;) Thank you!
Barondando's avatar
"I'm not a troll" which is why you made a DeviantArt account JUST to make this comment...
Stephvanrijn's avatar
I was wondering that myself :S
Jephael's avatar
Don't let some faceless asswipe get to you, Steph. I've been on the internet a long time, and there's always gonna be haters who just live for negativity.
Stephvanrijn's avatar
Yeah I know that, it's not really getting to me don't worry, we cant please everyone :)