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WildFlower700's avatar
Yeah, but anthros are obviously "animal-like" so they count.
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WildFlower700's avatar
But a black person is a type of human, a dog isn't. Anthros aren't real anyway, so I don't think they would worry about it. And even if they were real, they would probably not care about humans and have their own societies. Humans are the ones constantly arguing about race, skin color, and other things that don't really matter, I'm pretty sure they would feel proud not to be associated with us in the first place.
JohnSpartan1982's avatar
But what do you think of back in the 1800s of when negros were not considered human or people in the eyes of the law when the white man considered themselves "superior" and considered negros/middle easterns as "inferior" despite being hypocrites in giving Asians a pass for "looking white" even that book on why people of different skin color were not human especially when the "dumb animals" remark they used on slaves?

Anthros and Xenos are races in their own way! afterall i do believe Xenos from space do exist and we are not alone and not the only race in the universe.
WildFlower700's avatar
I completely understand that because I'm black myself. But many white people today aren't racist. That was simply a result of ignorance and hunger for power. In fact, my great grandfather was a white man who married a black woman.  There are stupid people and sane people in every race. 

Anthros are not real beings though. You can't really say that they are part human. There might be though, I believe in starseeds/aliens and some aliens are animal-like. We just don't know how they relate to humans. We can't just say that we're related to them. They're probably far more advanced than us for all we know.
JohnSpartan1982's avatar
And not just black people but also Jews in 1930s/early 1940s Europe suffered from Hitler and the nazis as Hitler as there was even pamphlets handed out in europe at that time on why Jews were not human but "vermin" or "rats" even Hitler saying "Jews are a race but they are not human".
JohnSpartan1982's avatar
If anthros did existed, i believe they would be just humans who are mutated by something to become animal-esque in appearance but not in body structure/same parts/same genitals/same breasts/same hand structure/same eye colors like we do/same feet and some with fur, feathers or scales plus high intelligence to make them more human than animal in mind/intelligence for beak-like mouths they be soft like pillows instead of hard like a bird animal's beak and they would be just mutants even just like the X-Men's mutants and if they did existed, i think mutant people should be accepted among society as just because they are different don't mean it's bad and they can consent to regular looking humans and have same DNA like regular humans even conceieve children too plus mutated animal-like humans should be treated as equals. They would be just people who look different you know.

That's the point when i write my human male X anthro mutated human female stories as they are about overcoming differences and accepting each other for who they are and so is in Hatton Slayden's amazing arts of three different races (Xeno or antrho with human males) falling in love. Bojack Horseman, Doctor Who, Regular Show, Wolf Children, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel comics (Hepzibah and Corsair with many more), the 1980s Beauty and the Beast TV show with Ron Perlman/Linda Hamilton, Warcraft the movie, Alien Nation the series, Cheetah X Batman on Justice League and more has this.

With that "dumb animals" remark they did back in the 1800s, it's weird to see something that is clearly the same species as something less than intelligent, madness eh? even they said the same thing back in the early 1940s in Germany about Jews that Hitler said as he said they were just "rats" because they were different or 25 years ago an African politician considered genocide on the Tutsi tribe as he declared them "cockroaches".