DeadBilly27's avatar
There's definetly a feel of the old paperbaack sci-fi covers I find in the library. I really like that, miss those old covers.
ukitakumuki's avatar
Thank you! I'm a big fan of that 'look' as well.
DeadBilly27's avatar
Heh, that "look" has caused me to read my fair share of crappy novels to my misfortune. Still memorable.
ukitakumuki's avatar
HAha! For me it was comics- Don't you love it when you are sold on a cover (not the synopsis), and all the way to the counter you are going, "this is such a bad fucking idea" in your head over and over. And then you're still saying it as you finish the last page. But then you look at the cover and you go, "it was worth it".

Very memorable :)
DeadBilly27's avatar
HAHA! That happens to me a lot with comics as well. Oh man I know what you mean, you pace the aisles back and forth searching for something, anything else because you know what you hold in your hands is pure and utter crap. All the while muttering, "but this cover is so damn cool!" Very rarely though, the cover is spot on. A good example of that is "The Dragon and The George," one of the best fantasy books I've read.