CalionCreates's avatar
Hm? Just that there's a legend of Abaddon, and your character seems to have some resemblance to the theological figure. It's cool.
0DemonicFreak0's avatar
My O.C has the same name and the premise of his back story any details and anything else about him is copyrighted by me.
CalionCreates's avatar
I know, I'm by no means taking your character. My story has been copyrighted for three years regardless. I was just saying that the name "Abaddon" originates from Judeo-Christian theology.
0DemonicFreak0's avatar
I know this already, and my story has been copyrighted for six years now, and the idea has been created 10-11 years ago. So technically by law states, I'v had copyright since 10-11 years ago.
CalionCreates's avatar
Okay, I wasn't sure if you knew. I just thought it was cool, I'm definitely not trying to steal your idea or anything of that sort. Abaddon isn't a character in my story regardless, simply a character is based off the legend of Abaddon's pit.
0DemonicFreak0's avatar
Then once again I am forced to say this again. "Watch what you say on the internet people are different than you and will take it differently." Now good day.
CalionCreates's avatar
I personally thought this was pretty clear, but I suppose semantics are a common conflict. Have a nice day yourself. 

Don't worry too much about people stealing your story. (: It would take a ton of effort to catch up to a current author's planning and I think people are honestly too lazy for that. Maybe that will help put your mind at ease.