Virouet's avatar
I have a mac so I haven't had the opportunity to try Sai, but I've heard it's very intuitive and mimics realistic painting mediums well so I'd love to be able to try it soon. (I've also heard it's quicker to learn and get comfortable with than Photoshop so it would be nice to be able to compare the two experiences).

And don't be afraid to try out textures! Cut, paste, erase the parts you don't want and play around with the layer settings and filters. ;) Best of luck!! :heart:
GalateasFire's avatar
It is interesting, I know some artists use PS for inking and SAI for color...I would love to try SAI since I have heard that same thing you have.  Heck, I am an adult, I don't know why I don't just go and buy it! XD  

So with textures, do you just cut/shape them fit them into the space you want?  ie. the leg of a character?
Virouet's avatar
Yep. (though since I usually add the textures after I'm done with the colours I just merge the colour layers that's in the area I want the texture to be, click select-inverse on the colour layer and delete on the texture layer. No shaping needed. :) )
There's a lot of nice textures that are good to use on an entire canvas, to set the mood or make the colours more uniform/fit together, but it's also a good way to give texture to clothes, plants, trees etc.
GalateasFire's avatar
I saved this is I could go back and try it.  That is definitely something I want to try!  
Virouet's avatar
Glad I could help :) Send me a link when you do if you want to, I'd love to see how your texture work turns out <3
GalateasFire's avatar
I will absolutely do that!! :D