Comment on Got Milk? by Damalia

Omnywrench's avatar
This brings up another interesting question: why do we drink cow milk, or goat milk, or whatever lactating beast you prefer to suckle from? We must be the only animals on earth that actively drink the milk of another species. I'm not saying it's wrong or anything; it's just odd.

I think Calvin and Hobbes said it right: "I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these little things when I squeeze 'em!"
ObloquyCondemed's avatar
What's even odder is the the majority of humanity is lactose intolerant, and the ability to drink milk (eat cheese etc...) is fairly modern, so why on Earth did anyone even think to try and how did it occur... Odd isn't it... Damn I hope it gets figured out...
Omnywrench's avatar
Well, we humans have a pretty stubborn digestive system. We'll eat anything.
ObloquyCondemed's avatar
I guess it must have occured in more desperate times, water not fit for human consumption perhaps, so they tried milk, and a few discovered they could stomach it.
Omnywrench's avatar
Somehow I imagine beer was discovered the same way.
ObloquyCondemed's avatar
Hahhah, if it wasn't it should have been XDD
Omnywrench's avatar
Seriously, beer is the oldest drink in the world. Have you ever sat down and wondered how it came about?
ObloquyCondemed's avatar
Occasionally, but I don't think I ever came to a conclusion. I should try to look it up and find out.