McHaneyIllustration's avatar

I loved art school just for the exposure to different styles and philosophies of Art, but I do not think every artist needs to go.  I would go back because I wish to refine my skills to a point that is beyond my teaching myself how to do.  You are such a talented artist my friend, it has been a pleasure to see your work on here, and I hope I never made you feel like I thought you needed to change your style or techniques, that was not my intention.  And I too try to draw with my heart.
MarieRaine's avatar
No, it wasn't what I meant ^^ Thank you to propose me to do that, it's just that I don't like it, but you can like it, everyone feels different!
And I know you draw with your heart, i've seen it! 
Thank you, and you are even more talented. I think talent grow when you get older too, so, I have time to become more talented ^^
McHaneyIllustration's avatar
Talent does grow as we get older, I have been drawing for 32 years, for all my life.  How long have you been drawing for?
MarieRaine's avatar
I was drawing when i was little (7/8) then I stopped, and I restart last year, but that was a drawing sometimes, I was drawing a little.
I really started the last month ^^
McHaneyIllustration's avatar
Well I have no idea how old you are, but keep at it! I think that by the time you are my age you will be bette then me!
MarieRaine's avatar
I have turned 18 the 1st ^^ I don't know if I can get better than you, but I'll try!
McHaneyIllustration's avatar
I think you can!  Look me up on FB and I will show you some old drawings from just three to four years ago and how I grew in them.
MarieRaine's avatar
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