Bigbubby-1's avatar
Very true.
You excited for Volume 4?
Ramog's avatar
Who isn't exited for it? :D
Bigbubby-1's avatar
my dad and i were full out debating theories today it was glorious :D
YukiNitta's avatar
Bigbubby-1's avatar
Me too! Fangirl 
I'm worried about Team RWBY you think Yang will feel better by the end of the series? And I really want to find out more about this Salem person.
YukiNitta's avatar
Yang dies close to the end. Calling it now.
Bigbubby-1's avatar
What?! Noooo Yang's my fav member of team RWBY *cries a river*
I hope Yang gets a really cool Atlas Military prosthetic arm.
I'm still really confused on what Cinder's masterplan is though. What do you think it is?
YukiNitta's avatar
She won't. She'll stay armless before getting killed in the second-last volume. As for Cinder, she'll get killed by Salem in the last volume after her attempts to control the Grimm fail.
Bigbubby-1's avatar
How do you come up with your theories?
And do you believe that Qrow is Ruby's real father?
YukiNitta's avatar
I just come up with them. People think that it might happen, so I guess they seem plausible.

And yes, I personally do.