msnjar's avatar
its not just about worrying. please dont classify it as just worrying,, i cant telll if your being sarcastic or not
LyricIsDead's avatar
this is an extremely old comment lmao
and you're right, anxiety is way more than worrying, i chew on stuff im not suppost to chew on and sometimes i get so paranoid that i think im going to die. other shit happens too and ive had a few anxiety attacks and they suck so much,,, i fucking hate anxiety so much

(sorry is this is confusing to read im really tired and i have a bad fever haha)
msnjar's avatar
no worries it's not confusing!!

yea,, anxiety sucks.,, I know how you feel. i swear,, I've made myself bleed from biting my nails too low. hang in there!!
LyricIsDead's avatar
yeah same it hurts when i rip skin off my nails hhh

and i have to take strong anxiety meds because my anxiety gets so bad
msnjar's avatar
im really young so i dont yet have meds,,,,, the rest of my family however does and sometimes im thinking i should probably get some