AMX-269's avatar
It's called the Finn Sword. Basically, in the episode where Prismo is brought back to life, there's some time travel involved, and Finn causes a time paradox, causing a past version of himself to somehow turn into a sword. It had a cameo at the end of this episode, when Finn saw the vision of Bubblegum.
SonicFan7812's avatar
What about the stub on his hand, though?
AMX-269's avatar
Finn's arm grew back at the end of "Breezy." He has two arms again.
SonicFan7812's avatar
No, I mean the green needle left on his palm after his arm grew back?
AMX-269's avatar
Oh, that!


Well, I'm not sure that's been addressed yet. I honestly couldn't tell you if it's going to come up again or not. :shrug:
SonicFan7812's avatar
Which sword is your favorite so far?
AMX-269's avatar
Probably the Demon's Blood sword, if only because "Dad's Dungeon" is a great episode.