Doggy-Yasha's avatar
CURSE YOU!I'm in ur post! Shakin mah fish!
I NEED MORE.. XD! this statement will always remain true. Your expressions, I dunno, they just leave me floored I love them so much. Poor Trunks! Poor Pan.. and Oh Gohan.. Vegeta has yet to do a think but your scary face is not going to save you XDDD!
genaminna's avatar
Aw, thanks fer liking the expressions! :aww: Yeah, the scary face won't save him now xD heheh.
Doggy-Yasha's avatar
No problem.
I love them so much cause there are a few I watch here on DA where their art is amazing but the expressions leave something to be desired I mean I really REALLY enjoy them (thats not to say im awesome at expressions but yah XDD!)
genaminna's avatar
Aww... thank you; I'm flattered :blushes: ^^;
Expressions are just matching your feelings to the character's faces, haha (don't think too hard on them XDD)
Doggy-Yasha's avatar
You're welcome.:D
Ahaha, i make weird faces whilst drawing.. I think thinking too hard is not an issue!!!!!