mathieutrudelle's avatar
zZLazyWolfZz's avatar
Holding them for you until little info on them is filled out for them. Not being harsh just part of the rules.
mathieutrudelle's avatar
last one

Age:10000(20 in human XD)
Likes/Dislikes:her empire and ruling
short bio: was born in a hard period and succed to her parent when they died, she became imortal by magic to rule the "world"

Name:light(formaly daisy)
Personality:kind pure
Likes/Dislikes:helpig other, disilke evil
short bio:a human who is turn into a empiress to be a leader for the world permanently even if she dont want it
zZLazyWolfZz's avatar
all yours.
Will note the two's exports by notes.
zZLazyWolfZz's avatar