Arminius1871's avatar
Not only influenced, genetically most Hungaryans are Slavs that were just magyarisized^^
I read about it, they´re only 10-15% uralic people, most of them are only hungaryan speaking
Slavs and a bit Germanics.
They´re the bridge between West and South Slavs.
Razielus91's avatar
Well... personally I think that history will be always partially unknown
Sources show different things (because their authors sometimes made mistakes)
It's possible (especially during that time when many ethic groups met each other (and mix) but who knows ;)
At least we can be sure that they have traveled a long distance  
Arminius1871's avatar
Yes but today organisations like igenea can prove which genetical background the peoples have,
once I made a test and now I know my fathers and mothers genetical line^^
Razielus91's avatar
I know - though they are a little bit expensive for me right now (It will cost me my monthly salary) but sooner or later I'm sure I will make it. (why not) :)

Though to be honest the whole "race" I rather see like Mussolini did " Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race. "
As long as we're pride of our nationality - it's fine ;)
Arminius1871's avatar
Would be interesting^^ Tell me if u ever make it.

Of course, as long as the whole ethnicity isn´t replaced completely, all is fine.
I mean I completely accept the non-germanic elements of the german ethnicity,
we are also made of celts, slavs and romans, no doubt. But there must be a certain basis,
where u can say this is a German, this is a Japanese, this is a Turk.
And the typicall look for us, is the light pigmented central european type.

Slavs are not very different, but the face is different, you can usually see it.
As once a French told me, while French/ mediterranean in his region have a more
round head, it seems germanics like me have a longer head form.
Razielus91's avatar
Sure I will ;)
Though I must admit that cost of this "operation" is quite high

That's my point. After so many wars/migrations all nations and ethnic groups left their mark everywhere
Nevertheless after all these ages we're one European family