SwarmCreator's avatar
I guess, you have Photoshop? You could really make it. ;)
Hydrothrax's avatar
Yup, I paint in it :'D hahaha I could!
SwarmCreator's avatar
Ohne (different) question. What actally eat this guys? Flesh? Metal? Both things? :)
Hydrothrax's avatar
All sorts of things really :V I came up with a system where they can synthesize fuel from all sorts of carbon-based matter - the more pure it is the more they prefer it (gasoline vs something like plants or meat) and they'd also be able to convert metals as well, primarily for self repair (breaking materials down to their chemical level and re-assembling them in micro-factories to make new nano-cells or composite compounds, for example armor.) Their whole body structure is nanocell-based (so cell-like structures but just a mechanical version, their whole anatomy is in essence a highly complex form of biomimicry with all the vehicle mechanicals mixed in as well.)

So these guys definitely hunt when they're rogue - they prefer to take apart other vehicles but can go after animals and such too, though it'd be more of a last-resort thing. 
SwarmCreator's avatar
Sounds definitely as if they were not choosy with their food. 

If you have more free time, then you should really draw a anatomical representation of these guys. :D

They sounds really interesting and fascinating at the same time. 

And imagine, in the near (or distant) future. Everyone has at least one of these guys as a pet and transportation. Like the time in the Middle Ages, where they used horses for transportation of carriages... :3
Hydrothrax's avatar
They're ultra-survivable! :'D

I've totally been meaning to, and show some different vehicle types as well because there are some pretty big mechanical differences that very much reflect in the biomechanical part (for example, since aircraft are ultra-light for their size, an aerosaur actually uses a lot of hollow low-density structure and pneumatic systems for most movement.) That'll probably have to wait until I'm out of school though, I barely have time for personal art :'D

If you actually have questions though you can note me for more detail on these guys, I have walls of text scattered about somewhere with stories, structural notes, etc :V

And there actually is a story around that! The first big introduction of these creatures into human uses was WWI with dogfighting aerosaurs, haha. These started showing up as civilian vehicle types as well, bu they prove to be difficult to control and are generally not safe for the average person to be around, since they're somewhat aggressive in their nature. A lot of experiments are done during the cold war period where humans tried to advance these guys as their personal weapons, and do things like cut out the processing unit and transplant them into human-built machine bodies, but that failed in most cases (it either didn't work at all, or the machine took over the new body and converted it into living metal.) Studying how they work does advance human knowledge and computing sciences and so they eventually built AI machines - human-built "living machines" which are pretty much robots, they're easier to control and are most common among civilian machine types (and don't have weird abilities like the shape-changing nor do they express much biomimicry,) but the original Vattir-types are still used and experimented on, with drastic results (long story short they eventually develop into a self-sustaining race instead of being part "built" machines and pretty much take over LOL!) There's all sorts of other stuff like rogue machine clans and the entire machine-hunter hunter thing where humans try to purge Vattir-type machines by turning them against each other but it all ends up in chaos.
[ and that's just one of the three main headworld settings! ]

I would agree though, these creatures as pets/companions would be friggin awesome!
SwarmCreator's avatar
Are there actually Aerosaurs in the form of a satellite, big spacestations like ISS? :)

Well, the story sounds really interesting. I can understand the intention of the people very well but hopefully these experiments will one day be terminated. That poor critters D: 
But who can not do anything for science?... Yeah.

I look forward to see more drawings about them! :D 
Hydrothrax's avatar
There could be some, though generally at that altitude (and later in the story) you've got the "black rain" nanite swarms that float around at those levels (sort of the "last step" in the aerosaur evolution hahaha, they're WEIRD)

Oh they get their revenge, you bet ;'D it doesn't end well for humankind...well, all races on the planet really. It all goes boom but they get a fresh start :V
