suburbantimewaster's avatar
No, I still used Goddess Scene Maker.
Amelia411's avatar
I just got started on my first DeviantArt series!  It's called The Blacklight Trio!  It will have me in it, plus 2 more characters!  One of those characters is an opera singer from America's Got Talent, if you're familiar with the show!  If you look into my gallery, click on Prince of Freaks Animation Style, and you'll see the same person as in the photo in the link below!

suburbantimewaster's avatar
I'd love to check it out, but I don't watch America's Got Talent.  Sorry.
Amelia411's avatar
It was a tradition for my family to watch the show every summer, even when I'm at work! :)
suburbantimewaster's avatar
Oh, my family has a tradition about watching a scary movie on Halloween.