Comment on It's a sTRAP! by VanHeist

Dante8411's avatar
Is "Strapping" really that archaeic, or is this just an issue of etymology?
VanHeist's avatar
Well, you don't often hear it in modern speech. And a few commenters have interestingly pointed out that the term has its roots in describing women, which adds a neatly ironic layer to the comic which itself is a rumination rendered obsolete by the existence of search engines and demonstrates yet another example of why conversational topics such as this are a dying breed and oh man I am up WAY too late.
Dante8411's avatar
Well, I don't have a smart phone, so I actually ask people about words without considering Google. Or I just discuss the actual mechanics of words, and therefore theoretical words that should exist by the accepted rules. You can also talk about words that we lack, such as accurate descriptors for tastes and many non-pain sensations.
I should get a smartphone. And you should get more sleep.