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SaliferousStudios's avatar
If you've posted this, you obviously have the publishing rights. Why not publish with kindle? That way it'll make it more convenient and will broaden your readership.

Kindle has a tool that turns comic pdf's into a format the kindle can read. (very simple job, 2 minutes)

Then you can offer your comic for free on kindle, but still get paid through kindle unlimited program, plus offer it as 2.99 download with 75% comission (2.00 a pop)

and use create space to create a print on demand version, so whenever someone wants all of them, they can have them and YOU would get  all the revenue, not share with your publisher. you could also create a cool hardback version with all of this story arc together.

The way of the traditional publisher is going the way of the dinosaur very quickly. If you want I could even format the files for you for this stuff.

just my 2 cents.