InSaNe-SuNsHine's avatar
fuck whoever drew this and fuck you
ElementOf-Loyalty's avatar
*Ten days later*
You deserved to get blocked head.
InSaNe-SuNsHine's avatar
i'm not a hot-head, i just hate whoever sexualizes the show,  i don't mind grown men watching it , i just hate whoever sexualizes it.
ElementOf-Loyalty's avatar
And I hate your form of censorship you conservative dolt.
InSaNe-SuNsHine's avatar
do you know there is not only fapping neckbearded 45 year olds on the fandom? there is kids too.
newoliam's avatar
Great. Even Bronies stereotype Bronies now. Do you seriously believe that. Trust me, there is R34 of almost everything, MLP is no different.
SalvatoreMasterDenif's avatar
I know, right?! So much for "Love and Tolerance".
ElementOf-Loyalty's avatar
Your censorship still has no use in this realm.
Ya stinking Commie.