Comment on Helix by AdarkerNEMISIS

SiriuslyTwistd's avatar
Oh wow isn't he stunning!
Those green eyes are breath taking!! :love:
They really pop out from that dark mask! :)
God now I'm excited to see my boy mounted, which btw I'll have the remainder of his payment to you on the 23rd. I ended up getting swarmed with birthday money.. Lol. Would've been nice to have that before I had to sell my burg.. So that's a bit frustrating. :shrug:
But my horse is doing a lot better, so that's all I care about.
AdarkerNEMISIS's avatar
Awesome! Yeah that one would be super fun to work with. You'll have to remind me of the eye color my memory is going down hill. 
SiriuslyTwistd's avatar
I can't wait. He's going to be amazing!
And the left eye just the standard brown, and the left gold/yellow. :nod: