ArjayEff's avatar
Knowing what I know about you from the years that we have know each other, I believe it's safe to see that you just hit a speed bump.  I am not quite ready to display my artwork in the fashion you have (mostly because of my lack of material), but my passion as an artist is carrying me closer to that goal.  Here you said that you had a lack of passion and that you have wasted the best years of your life.  I don't believe that.  I believe that you are experiencing self-doubt because the picture of this day in your mind, did not match how the events unfolded.  Keep in mind that many of the professional artists out there fought through exactly what you are going through before they grew to become the successes they are today.  Keep up the good work man!  You obviously have the talent.  Just try to be patient and keep working toward success.  You got this!