RedF0x11's avatar
WHAT BOOK?! (that is the really important part ;-) because either I've forgotten a book reference, which is entirely possible, or I have just gotten what might be a book recommendation (always welcome, law texts are not the sort of things you choose to read if you can help it (by the way, as a quick update, I study law, which is both wildly fascinating and soul-crushingly dull at the same time :D ).
MAAAAAaaaaaaan I wish I had your perserveriance, because I can see the progress you've made and it is epic. My writing could really do with that :-) (I write poems because they are easy (well, hard to mess up really) but what I really want to write and struggle with is wanting to write some fiction, kicking around a new/old idea that mashes together a few of the stories I've dreamed up over the years into one that might actually work, and explores a few interesting things, its just finding the time and energy to write them (GOLEMS (think robots but magical) that gain life because of an unknown reason in the middle of a war where two empires use massive forces of Golems to fight each other, I'm hoping to have it become a story of how one of the golems becomes a hero and bla bla bla... (also no plot spoilers ;-) ) )). Yeah self limitation is a major factor in this sort of thing. I know very well that I limit myself too much, like I could do a lot better at just about everything if I took the time to do it all right (DAMN IT LIFE WHY YOU MAKE ME AWARE OF THESE THINGS, now I have to try (badly) to fix them). Trust me, limiting yourself is only a good idea if you over-reach and put yourself in a bad place (I know a few students who go too far with their gifts, it gets them into very stressful places).

IT is literally always a pleasure to appreciate your gifts (well anybodies gifts, but right now that anybody would be you :-) ) I just stumbled across your works because you liked one of mine that Firefox shared :-) little things like that line up all sorts of cool blessings :-) 

Just remember if you can't be bothered reading the above:
and you actually do have my respect :-)
Porsheee's avatar
It's from The Lunar Chronicles, which by now you have probably been able to deduce I am entirely obsessed with. :dummy: You should read it! Probably more grabbing than law texts. >.> (Really? Yeah, that sounds accurate. Not that I know anything about law/studying law...) 
Thank you! I'm not all that perseverance on most things; I just enjoy writing/drawing enough that it's always been a choice I'm happy to make. (Poems are not necessarily easier! Just different. I, personally, am quite inadequate at poetry, but it varies from person to person. If you want to try fiction, definitely start with some short stories! They're easier to finish and good to start with. Novels come later. If I'm being honest with myself, I should not be writing novels yet. :giggle: There is no 'right' way of doing it, just a way of doing it. As long as your way is your own, then it's right. I'm sure over-reaching can be a problem, but I've never reached enough, so I think I'll be okay!) 

Thank you so much! Haha, really? I love her features~ Yeah, for sure! I've met so many people for small, mundane reasons. Makes you wonder how many people you're not meeting. 

THANK YOU. YOU ARE AWESOME TOO. Of course I read all the above. ;D 
Your respect means a lot!
- Portia Not sure why I'm signing off, but you did, so might as well. 
RedF0x11's avatar

You've obviously perservered abouta few things, and that is actually really important you know :-) being able to push yourself to do something even when you don't feel like it (something I have rather a problem with, curse my intelligence and lack of wisdom ;-) ). I find poetry easier because it is about finding perfect words to describe emotion, rather than trying to create a narrative construct for a longer construction. Though I have finally figured out some parts of the short stories I want to write, and how I want to start evolving my own little world :-) (I build worlds and characters very easily, same with story ideas, it is just putting flesh on the story bones that stops me short).

You say you shouldn't be writing novels yet, which implies you are writing one?

It is really nice to be featured a little, I don't get it often, but I don't write as often as I should either :-) I need to actually sit down and write more (both for pleasure and for study). You meet a lot of people in a place like this, its the people you reach out to, or the people who reach out to you, and to me that is itself interesting :-) (I like people who reach out to me, or accept the incoming reaching from me :-) (I'm something like 2% extroverted, so I do peopleing weird sometimes ;-) ). There would have to be a lot of people we aren't meeting; there are a lot of devients on this site, maybe fate or some sort of crazy destiny brings people here together for some arcane design? There is probably a story about an AI in that somewhere ;-) ).

Thanks :-) I can rather tell that you did somehow ;-) its that or I just hallucinated an entire paragraph in which case I have even more problems ;-) and I am glad it does mean something :glomp: (if you are wondering :glomp: is the only non-standard emoticon I can remember off the top of my head, which makes it easier to use both on my phone and when typing up stuff like this, so I use it quite often)

(see my comment on your featured short story as to why I think I started doing this here :-) )