Comment on Togemon by jjjjoooo1234

Chapter-Of-Eight's avatar
Woo~ Genderbending~? I guess? XD

jjjjoooo1234's avatar
Lol I dunno, this request in particular was "draw a more femenine togemon"

I think the one that appears in the series is a female.
Chapter-Of-Eight's avatar
Well, you've made it clearly appear female~ XD Weird, our dub makes me think it was a guy!

jjjjoooo1234's avatar
Seriusly? Well in my dub it was Voiced by a female, I guess it was because the next evolution was very femenine looking, so I guess they didnt want to confuse The kids.
Chapter-Of-Eight's avatar
Yeaaah~ Muh country doesn't care~ XD
