TC2's avatar
Thank you very much,

This image is actually just a scrap image that I didn't put much time into as can be plainly seen with the very messy lines. However, I will be keeping those notes in mind for a future picture I'm planning on working on and will refine the scribble technique a bit better.

Thanks again!

(I'll post fully inked, and colored pictures later on when they're good to go.)
AgentHighmax's avatar
Great work there TC. The thing I just noticed as we were talking on YIM was that i read the mouth as a chin indent and the nose as a combination of the nose and mouth.

If you nix the mouths location and put it where the nose is and draw the nose from there you'll accomplish in my opinion a great deal of perspective. Just look at it zoomed out and cover the mouth and I think you'll see what i mean.

Other than that minor detail it's fantastic work man. Poses and perspective is something i've always struggled with so for the overall work i have to say it is superb. Man it's fun having artist buddies!