RossPS112's avatar
How you doing? I've been working like crazy on getting out new line art & working on this years trading cards for Christmas.
Scaley-Randy's avatar
I've been doing fine, mostly job hunting, going to college and writing (was writing for SCP but now I've gotten into some writing contests at Inkitt).
RossPS112's avatar
very cool, you'll have to send me the links to your SCPs, I'd love to write for that but I don't think I can do it justice.
Scaley-Randy's avatar
Yeah funny thing, I have yet to post any successful SCPs (all of them are still in my sandbox), it's a vigorous process of coming up with an idea, drafting it, begging people to review it, rewriting it, getting more reviews for it, and then hoping at some point it meets everyone's standards enough to be posted and get over 10 positive votes :P
RossPS112's avatar
Yeah I've heard it is a very stringent process to get one approved. It does at least mean they only have the very best published.
Scaley-Randy's avatar
Well that's the funny thing, technically you can post your SCP whenever you please it's just that doing so without any feedback (also known as "cold posting") tends to get it down voted into oblivion pretty quickly. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if 60% of SCPs posted and deleted nowadays are poorly written cold posts created by people who didn't read any of the beginner guidelines.
RossPS112's avatar
makes sense. you have to have standards after all.
Scaley-Randy's avatar
Indeed although while some look like simple misguided efforts, there are others that are...odd.
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