Atroquine's avatar
awwwww I would totes love to meet you <3

PONY ARRTTSSSSSS  ( i need to raw my ponies ;A; )
NorthernMyth's avatar
Come to think of it I haven't seen any pony art from you for a while :meow:
Atroquine's avatar
Yeah i sorta kicked my harpg stuff to one side for a while I just recent bought two new ponpons though so Im gonna work to try and get stuff done. I made a seperate account for my horsey stuff before but i deleted it cause i was gonna quit harpg....

need to make another account for it but i cant think of a name XD
NorthernMyth's avatar
Yea, that's totally understandable. I really want to kick my stables
to the side for a little while and get stuck into more story based Wild
Rp stuff.

Retroquine ? XD 
So you would have your K9's under Atroquine and horses under Retroquine. :meow:
Atroquine's avatar
Ahh ill figure something out! I think i want a completely different name for my stables! we should do a collab sometime or soemthing c:
NorthernMyth's avatar
Ye we should :meow: Note me when ever ;)